2007-09-24 22:10:20 UTC
Hi All,
I'm posting my RM11 problems, in hopes that there may be some ideas and
suggestions from the group's collective experience.
1. RM11 crashing
I am combining several RM11 databases by exporting each database as an
RIS file and saving as a text file.
When I import the RIS text file into the "combined" database, with
duplicates set to go into a "combined duplicates" database, initially
anything over 500 references would cause RM to crash with the following
The instruction at "0x7c911bf4" referenced memory at "0x615c3166". The
memory could not be "read". Click OK to terminate.
The duplicates filter is set to examine author (last name only), title
(set at 75%), date (primary), and start page.
I now receive the error message with an import of 100 references. My
text RIS text file has 3197 references in it, which I have been
importing in small sections by selecting the "Reference Range" option.
It usually takes around 10-15 minutes when I have been able to
successfully import 500 records.
2. Using the Direct Export function from Ovid for any Ovid database
(e.g. MEDLINE, EMBASE, etc.)
I am exporting 999 records each time via the Direct Export function into
RM11. All records are being downloaded without any duplicate checking.
It takes on average 40 minutes to download 999 records.
My computer properties are:
Intel Core2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz
2.14GHz, 1.98 of RAM
My system is Windows XP Professional, Version 2002, Service Pack 2 - all
updates are current.
I've also run virus scans, emptied temporary files, and recycle bins.
My primary work is with systematic review searching, so I am dealing
daily with quite large sets of references from many databases and I am
in desperate need of learning how to avoid/correct these problems. I've
been in contact with both Thomson and Ovid and have not to date had any
resolution or ideas as to what may be going on.
Many thanks in advance,
Tamara Durec BSc(Pharm), MLIS
Research Librarian
Alberta Research Centre for Child Health Evidence (ARCHE)
University of Alberta / Capital Health Evidence-based Practice Center
Department of Pediatrics
University of Alberta
11402 University Avenue, Room 9420
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J3
Phone: (780) 492-6360
Fax: (780) 407-6435
Email: ***@med.ualberta.ca <blocked::mailto:***@med.ualberta.ca>
http://www.epc.ualberta.ca/ <blocked::http://www.epc.ualberta.ca/>
I'm posting my RM11 problems, in hopes that there may be some ideas and
suggestions from the group's collective experience.
1. RM11 crashing
I am combining several RM11 databases by exporting each database as an
RIS file and saving as a text file.
When I import the RIS text file into the "combined" database, with
duplicates set to go into a "combined duplicates" database, initially
anything over 500 references would cause RM to crash with the following
The instruction at "0x7c911bf4" referenced memory at "0x615c3166". The
memory could not be "read". Click OK to terminate.
The duplicates filter is set to examine author (last name only), title
(set at 75%), date (primary), and start page.
I now receive the error message with an import of 100 references. My
text RIS text file has 3197 references in it, which I have been
importing in small sections by selecting the "Reference Range" option.
It usually takes around 10-15 minutes when I have been able to
successfully import 500 records.
2. Using the Direct Export function from Ovid for any Ovid database
(e.g. MEDLINE, EMBASE, etc.)
I am exporting 999 records each time via the Direct Export function into
RM11. All records are being downloaded without any duplicate checking.
It takes on average 40 minutes to download 999 records.
My computer properties are:
Intel Core2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz
2.14GHz, 1.98 of RAM
My system is Windows XP Professional, Version 2002, Service Pack 2 - all
updates are current.
I've also run virus scans, emptied temporary files, and recycle bins.
My primary work is with systematic review searching, so I am dealing
daily with quite large sets of references from many databases and I am
in desperate need of learning how to avoid/correct these problems. I've
been in contact with both Thomson and Ovid and have not to date had any
resolution or ideas as to what may be going on.
Many thanks in advance,
Tamara Durec BSc(Pharm), MLIS
Research Librarian
Alberta Research Centre for Child Health Evidence (ARCHE)
University of Alberta / Capital Health Evidence-based Practice Center
Department of Pediatrics
University of Alberta
11402 University Avenue, Room 9420
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J3
Phone: (780) 492-6360
Fax: (780) 407-6435
Email: ***@med.ualberta.ca <blocked::mailto:***@med.ualberta.ca>
http://www.epc.ualberta.ca/ <blocked::http://www.epc.ualberta.ca/>