2007-02-03 00:21:27 UTC
For those interested in analyzing and evaluating bibliographic packages:
<<Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template>>
is available at:
This 14th edition (January 2007) includes:
EndNote v. X (10) Mac
thus presenting a head-to-head comparison between:
RefWorks 4.2
Biblioscape (Windows 6 - Professional Edition)
Bookends (Macintosh 7.7.3)
Library Master (Windows 4.15)
ProCite (Windows 5.03 and Macintosh 5)
EndNote (Windows X, and Macintosh 10)
Reference Manager (Windows 11.0.1)
Papyrus (Macintosh 8)
Next edition will include :
Citation 9 (The Write Direction)
Update of Bookends Mac
[please accept my apologies for cross-posting]
Francesco Dell'Orso
Universita' degli studi di Perugia: CSB-Centro servizi bibliotecari Piazza dell'Universita' 1 - 06100 Perugia (Italy)
tel.: (0039)-0755852302; e-mail: <***>; fax: 0039 - 0755852027
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<<Bibliography Formatting Software: An Evaluation Template>>
is available at:
This 14th edition (January 2007) includes:
EndNote v. X (10) Mac
thus presenting a head-to-head comparison between:
RefWorks 4.2
Biblioscape (Windows 6 - Professional Edition)
Bookends (Macintosh 7.7.3)
Library Master (Windows 4.15)
ProCite (Windows 5.03 and Macintosh 5)
EndNote (Windows X, and Macintosh 10)
Reference Manager (Windows 11.0.1)
Papyrus (Macintosh 8)
Next edition will include :
Citation 9 (The Write Direction)
Update of Bookends Mac
[please accept my apologies for cross-posting]
Francesco Dell'Orso
Universita' degli studi di Perugia: CSB-Centro servizi bibliotecari Piazza dell'Universita' 1 - 06100 Perugia (Italy)
tel.: (0039)-0755852302; e-mail: <***>; fax: 0039 - 0755852027
Unless sent to a discussion list, this message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s).
Any unauthorized use, disclosure or distribution is discouraged.
If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy this message.
Se non inviato a una lista di discussione, il messaggio e' riservato, ad uso esclusivo del destinatario; l'invio a terzi non รจ autorizzato dal mittente. (Rep. italiana: D.Lgs.196/2003 - "T.U. sulla Privacy").